All information on this website is based solely on the opinions of Custom PC Review and our 3rd party editorial staff. All views expressed by our third party editorial staff are solely opinions of our third party editorial staff and do not represent the views of Custom PC Review. If you find any information on our website that is offensive or inaccurate, please feel free to contact us.
Affiliate Disclosure
You may assume that all links directing you to 3rd party re-sellers are affiliate links and will result in Custom PC Review receiving monetary compensation. Custom PC Review is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This is one way we can keep our website running. It costs you nothing extra when purchasing products linked from our affiliate partners, but it will greatly impact the sustainability of our website. Rest assured, this in no way affects our reviews; however, we are disclosing this information in compliance with the FTC and our affiliate agreements.
Potential Bias
You should always conduct your own investigations into products prior to purchase. With that said, Custom PC Review may sometimes receive products free of charge from companies for review. Because of this, there is potential for bias in our review. Again rest assured, we do our best to make sure this in no way affects our reviews; however, we are disclosing this information in compliance with the FTC rules and regulations. Please assume that all products reviewed on this website were provided by product manufacturers for review. All content on this site is created for informational purposes only. Please note that all information presented on this website is subject to inaccuracies and errors. We take no liability for any damages resulting from our information.
We will ensure that the provider of all products reviewed (if they exist) will be thanked at the conclusion of the review.
Sponsored Reviews
As our site requires funding in order to survive, sometimes we may choose to do a sponsored review. This means that the manufacturer of the product may provide us with monetary compensation for us to review their product. In cases like these, we will provide full disclosure within the review letting our readers know that the review being written is sponsored. That being said, we are highly selective of our sponsored reviews. Only products which we believe would be of utility and interest to our reader base would be considered.