Intel Corporation

According to a recent post over at OBR-Hardware, retail Ivy Bridge CPUs are apparently worse overclockers than current Sandy Bridge chips! While the older E0 stepping 8 Ivy Bridge CPUs were good overclockers, the E1 stepping 9 chips, which happen to be the ones shipping to retail, are noticeably worse. In fact, the poster refers to the Ivy Bridge E1 (Core i7 3770K) as “total shit”.

The poster further advises owners of current generation Sandy Bridge CPU who are overclocking on air not to upgrade. They are also specifically citing that it’s the first time in a decade they’ve recommended “on air” overclockers to not upgrade to a newer generation CPU.

Personally, this is news to me since typically “tick” generation CPUs – especially those with a die shrink should in theory yield better overclock-ability, not worse. Of course, this information is rumor only, so I’d take it for what it is. That being said, in light of these rumors those purchasing a new air CPU cooler in preparation for Ivy Bridge should probably opt for something like this

Source: OBR-Hardware

Special thanks to forum member Vanhodid for the tip! Join the discussion here!