Just spotted a new Sapphire, custom designed, single fan HD 7950 leaked off a couple sites so I thought I’d post it up here for all of you to see.
This is the second HD7950 leak from Sapphire this month with the dual fan edition being leaked a couple weeks back. Full specifications are unknown at this point, but this is supposed to be the more affordable Sapphire HD 7950, so we are guessing it will run at stock HD 7950 speeds; however, we won’t be surprised to see a slight clock bump just for marketing purposes. According to OBR-Hardware, the maximum factory permitted overclock by AMD AIB partners is 900 MHz core (Stock 800MHz) and 5000MHz (AKA stock). Of course, we’ve seen what overclocks the HD 7970 can do (By the user) and wouldn’t be surprised if the HD 7950 is capable of something similar. In fact, we’re expecting it.
From the screnshots it does look like the card will have 2 mini-display ports, an HDMI and a DVI output. It will also have two 6 pin power connectors, crossfire capability, a very nice looking black cover and a hideous blue PCB with no backplate to cover it all up. Take a look at the shots below and head over to the sources for some more details!
Source: TechPowerUp / Expreview / OBR-Hardware